What to Know About Domestic Violence Charges in New York



    If you are facing domestic violence charges in New York, it is important to understand what to expect. Continue reading to learn what will happen after you have been accused of domestic violence. If you require assistance with your charges, do not hesitate to reach out to our Nassau County criminal defense attorneys. Our legal team is prepared to explore all avenues of defense on your behalf. To learn more about our team, give our firm a call today to get started.

    What is domestic violence?

    Domestic violence can occur to anyone, regardless of their sexuality, socio-economic status, race, gender, etc. The following examples constitute domestic violence:

    • Harassment
    • Physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse
    • Stalking
    • Homicide
    • Controlling behavior
    • Terroristic threats

    Domestic violence can occur in various types of relationships including the following

    • Someone you are in a romantic relationship with
    • Someone you have a child with
    • Someone you are legally married to
    • Someone you were once married to
    • Someone you are related to by blood or marriage

    What happens after I am accused of domestic violence?

    If law enforcement is called on an alleged act of domestic violence, you can be arrested and will risk having a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) placed against you. A TRO will require you to attend a hearing where the court will determine if the TRO should be made permanent. If the TRO is made permanent, this can drastically impact your future in multiple ways including your child custody agreement. The law in New York permits victims of abuse to hold their alleged abuser criminally and civilly liable which can result in several years of jail time if convicted.

    If you are facing charges of domestic violence in New York, it is crucial that you retain the services of an aggressive Nassau County criminal defense attorney who will explore all avenues of defense on your behalf. Our team at KCS Law is prepared to assist you with your domestic violence charges. We understand the impact that these changes may have on your future and livelihood. To learn more about our firm and how our legal team can assist you, give us a call today to schedule your initial consultation. We will advocate for you and walk you through these matters each step of the way.

    Contact our Firm

    Criminal matters can change the course of your life forever. This is why you need an experienced attorney who will aggressively combat your charges to help mitigate their long-term effects. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for a criminal defense matter on Long Island or throughout New York State, please contact KCS Law to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to assist you.

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