If you are facing charges of burglary in New York, it is crucial that you retain the services of our experienced Nassau County criminal defense attorneys who will walk you through the steps of the legal process ahead. Our legal team is prepared to explore all avenues of defense on your behalf. We understand that these charges may carry serious weight and can impact your future for years to come. To learn more about how we can assist you, give our firm a call. To discover how burglary is defined in New York and the potential penalties you may face for committing a burglary in New York, continue reading.
How is burglary defined in New York?
Burglary is defined in a few different ways in New York. The act of trespassing or unlawfully entering is considered burglary. Remaining on a property with the specific intent to commit a crime within a building is also considered burglary.
New York law does not take burglary charges lightly. It is essential that you retain the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney if you are facing burglary charges. New York courts will pointedly pursue charges against perpetrators who have been accused of burglary. Our legal team is prepared to fight for your rights in court.
What are the penalties for committing a burglary in New York?
Perpetrators who are convicted of burglary charges in the state of New York can expect to face the following consequences:
- Third-degree burglary: Class D felony, 1-7 years in prison, potential $5,000 fine
- Second-degree burglary: Class C felony, 1-15 years in prison, potential $5,000 fine
- First-degree burglary: Class B felony, 1-25 years in prison, potential $5,000 fine
Burglary charges and penalties are taken seriously in the state of New York. Burglary can result in high fines and prison time. If you are facing charges of burglary, it is important that you gain the assistance of an attorney who has specific experience handling cases such as yours. Our legal team is prepared to advocate for you. We will explore all possible defenses and legal avenues. You deserve an attorney who will advocate for you each step of the way. To get started as soon as possible, do not hesitate to give our firm a call today to schedule your initial consultation. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Contact our Firm
Criminal matters can change the course of your life forever. This is why you need an experienced attorney who will aggressively combat your charges to help mitigate their long-term effects. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for a criminal defense matter on Long Island or throughout New York State, please contact KCS Law to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to assist you.