If you are facing drug DWI charges, it is important to understand the penalties that come with these charges in New York. For assistance with these charges, do not hesitate to contact our experienced Garden City, NY DWI/DUI attorney. Our legal team understands the weight that these charges may have on your future and livelihood. To learn more about drug DWI charges and how our firm can assist you, continue reading and give our firm a call. We are prepared to assist you today.
What are the consequences of a first-offense drug DWI in New York?
Operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs comes with serious consequences. The penalties for a first-offense drug DWI in the state of New York include the following:
- A potential $500-$1,000 fine
- Additional state surcharges and assessment fines
- Up to one year of incarceration
- A potential six-month license suspension
What are the penalties for second-offense drug DWIs in New York?
If you have been charged with a second-offense drug DWI within ten years of the first, you will face a Class E felony charge and the following consequences:
- Potential $1,000-$5,000 fines
- State surcharges and fines
- Four years of incarceration
- Potential enrollment in the IDP
- A potential one-year license revocation
What are the consequences of a third or subsequent drug DWIs offense within 10 years in New York?
Facing charges of a third or subsequent drug DWI charge within 10 years means that you will face a Class D Felony in New York. New York does not take penalties for a third or subsequent drug DWI charge lightly. If you are facing such charges, it is important that you retain the services of a skilled attorney who will aggressively combat your DWI charge.
The penalties for third or subsequent drug DWI offenses in New York are as follows:
- Up to a $10,000 fine
- State surcharges and assessment fees
- Up to seven years of jail time
- License suspension or at least one year
If you are facing drug DWI charges in New York, our Garden City DWI attorney. is prepared to assist you. Our legal team will explore all avenues of defense on your behalf. To learn more about our firm and how we can help, give us a call today to schedule your initial consultation.
Contact our Firm
Criminal matters can change the course of your life forever. This is why you need an experienced attorney who will aggressively combat your charges to help mitigate their long-term effects. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for a criminal defense matter on Long Island or throughout New York State, please contact KCS Law to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to assist you.