What Are the Penalties for Drugged Driving Charges in New York?



    A police officer stands beside a black car on a road near a large ship named "Hinch Spirit," investigating suspected drugged driving. A police car with flashing lights is parked nearby, set against the backdrop of mountains and overcast skies.

    If you are facing drugged driving charges in New York, you will require the assistance of a skilled and dedicated Nassau County criminal defense attorney. Our legal team at KCS Law understands the weight these charges may carry. We are prepared to take on your case today. To learn more about the consequences of drugged driving in New York, continue reading and contact our firm. Here are some questions you may have about your charges:

    What are the penalties for a first-offense drugged driving charge in New York?

    When a driver is caught operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs, they will face severe consequences. First-offense drug DWIs in New York carries the following potential penalties:

    • A potential $500-$1,000 fine
    • A potential six-month license suspension
    • Up to one year of incarceration
    • Additional state surcharges and assessment fines

    What are the penalties for a second-offense drugged driving charge in New York?

    If a New York driver is charged with a second-offense drug DWI within ten years of the first, they will face Class E Felony charges and the following penalties:

    • Potential $1,000-$5,000 fines
    • Potential enrollment in the IDP
    • Four years of incarceration
    • A potential one-year license revocation
    • State surcharges and fines

    What are the penalties for a third or subsequent drug DWI offense within 10 years in New York?

    Drivers will face a Class D Felony for being charged with a third or subsequent drug DWI within 10 years. These penalties are not taken lightly in the state of New York. If you are facing such charges, it is important that you retain the services of a knowledgeable attorney who will aggressively advocate for you and combat these DWI charges.

    The following are the consequences for third or subsequent drug DWI offenses in New York:

    • Up to a $10,000 fine
    • Up to seven years of jail time
    • License suspension or at least one year
    • State surcharges and assessment fees

    If you are facing any of the above consequences for drugged driving charges in New York, do not hesitate to contact our experienced firm. Our Garden City, NY DWI | DUI attorney is prepared to explore all avenues of defense on your behalf. To learn more about our services, give our firm a call today. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

    Contact our Firm

    Criminal matters can change the course of your life forever. This is why you need an experienced attorney who will aggressively combat your charges to help mitigate their long-term effects. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for a criminal defense matter on Long Island or throughout New York State, please contact KCS Law to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to assist you.

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