Fireworks Regulations in New York State



    A person holds a bright sparkler in one hand and a small American flag in the other against a dark background. The sparkler emits glowing sparks, illuminating the flag's stars and stripes, reminiscent of fireworks displays often seen during celebrations in New York State.

    Fourth of July is often celebrated with barbeques, beach trips, and of course, fireworks. With Independence Day quickly approaching, it is important that New Yorkers make themselves aware of the most current laws regarding fireworks. There have been a few changes to the laws in recent years but for the most part, fireworks are still illegal. If an individual violates the laws, they may face serious consequences.

    In 2014, New York State modified fireworks laws for the first time since 1914, a century prior. Since then, the sale and use of sparkling devices have been permitted. However, sparkling devices don’t mean that anyone can put on a massive fireworks display. The law states that “ground-based or handheld devices that produce a shower of colored parks… audible crackling or whistling noise and smoke” are allowed.  It is also important to note that the laws do not allow for residents in the Bronx, Kings County, Nassau County, New York County, Queens County, Richmond County, Columbia County, and Schenectady County to purchase or use sparkling devices.

    Additionally, no one under the age of 18 years of age is permitted to use sparkling devices, regardless of whether they have been legalized. Those who violate fireworks laws may find themselves facing hundreds of dollars in fines.

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