It is not a crime to have a couple of drinks with your friends. However, it turns into a crime when you decide to get behind the wheel while you are intoxicated. When charged with a crime, such as driving while under the influence (DUI) you may feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty associated with the offense. In New York, DUIs carry significant penalties that can haunt you for the rest of your life as they are classified as misdemeanors. When a criminal offense is categorized as a misdemeanor, this means anyone accused has the right to a jury trial. However, it is important to note that not all DUI cases proceed to a trial which can significantly affect the outcome of a case. Keep reading to learn what factors could influence whether your DUI case proceeds to a trial and discover how a determined Garden City, NY DWI/DUI attorney can help you understand this legal process.
Will my DUI case proceed to a trial?
In the unfortunate event that you have been charged with a DUI, you may wonder what factors can influence whether your DUI case proceeds to trial. The primary factor that affects whether your case will proceed to trial is whether you plead guilty to the charges brought against you. If you plead guilty to DUI, you are essentially confessing to the crime which means you are accepting the charges. Therefore, there is no need for a trial.
However, if you plead not guilty, proclaiming you are innocent, the case will proceed to a trial where you will have the chance to defend yourself against the charges brought against you. Once the jury has been selected, the trial will commence with opening statements. The trial will proceed to the presentation of evidence. Both sides have an opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and present pertinent evidence to support their arguments. Once the presentation of evidence has concluded, the trial will finish with both sides presenting their closing arguments. This is both sides’ final chance to address the jurors who will be delivering a verdict on whether you are guilty. Finally, the trial will conclude once the jury has made deliberation and made a consensus on the verdict of guilty or not guilty.
When facing a criminal trial, you should never plead guilty to the alleged offense without first consulting a qualified attorney. Depending on the circumstances of your case, the prosecution may offer you a plea bargain. Your attorney may be able to negotiate the terms which can lead to reduced charges or a more lenient sentence.
When charged with DUI, you must retain appropriate legal representation to ensure you understand the best course of action to achieve a favorable outcome. For more information on what happens at a DUI trial, please contact one of our seasoned DUI lawyers in Nassau County, Long Island. Allow our firm to fight on your behalf today!