Do I Have the Option of a Conditional License in New York State?



    A hand holds a set of car keys with a key fob and a red keychain, symbolizing newfound freedom under a conditional license in New York. In front, a blurred silver car rests on gravel, while the slightly out-of-focus background emphasizes the keys in the foreground.

    If you receive a DWI in New York state, or even if you receive a traffic violation, you are facing the potential revocation of your driver’s license. The loss of your license can impact your day-to-day life in several important ways, such as impeding your ability to get to work, visit your children, etc. If you are facing this penalty, you must understand your options, such as your eligibility for obtaining a conditional license. Follow along to learn how a proficient Garden City, NY DWI | DUI attorney at KCS Law can guide you through the process ahead.

    What offenses would cause me to lose my driver’s license in New York state?

    For one, traffic violations come with certain consequences that vary depending on the offense. However, certain offenses, and several repeat offenses, can result in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license.

    Secondly, if you are charged with a DWI or an aggravated driving while intoxicated (AGG DWI) offense, you will lose your license for a certain amount of time depending on various factors, such as your blood-alcohol content (BAC) and prior offenses. The differing periods read as follows:

    • First-offense DWI for drivers younger than 21: a suspended license for six months.
    • First-offense DWI for drivers 21 and older: a revoked license for at least six months.
    • First-offense AGG DWI: a revoked license for at least one year.
    • Second-offense DWI for drivers younger than 21: a revoked license for one year or until the age of 21.
    • Second-offense DWI for drivers 21 and older: a revoked license for at least one year.
    • Second-offense AGG DWI: a revoked license for at least 18 months.
    • Third-offense DWI: a revoked license for at least one year with the possibility of a permanent revocation.
    • Third-offense AGG DWI: a revoked license for at least 18 months.

    What is considered a conditional license?

    With a conditional license, you will be able to drive under certain circumstances even with your privileges suspended. You may be able to obtain this license if you can prove that the loss of your privileges would cause you significant hardship, such as losing wages by being unable to commute to work. It is important to note that this cannot be a substitute for a permanent driver’s license and there are strict rules that come along with this.

    Does New York state offer the option of a conditional license?

    Notably, you may be able to obtain a conditional license in New York state by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if your permanent license has been suspended or revoked because of an alcohol or drug-related violation. But first, you must attend an Impaired Driver Program approved by the DMV.

    To make this possible, contact one of the talented Nassau County criminal defense attorneys today.

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