What to Know About Fireworks Regulations in New York this Fourth of July



    A vibrant display of fireworks bursts over New York's night sky, with sparks and trails illuminating the darkness in shades of pink, white, and gold. Despite stringent firework laws, the explosive patterns create a festive and celebratory atmosphere.

    A Fourth of July celebration isn’t complete without a sparkler or two. With the holiday fastly approaching, it is important to go over the regulations for fireworks in New York. For the most part, fireworks are still illegal in the state of New York with the exception of some sparkling devices.

    Violating fireworks regulations may result in serious penalties for those who chose to have their own firework display at home this Fourth of July. Continue reading to discover what you should know about fireworks regulations and how to abide by them this holiday. Contact our experienced criminal defense attorney today if you have been convicted of a crime this Fourth of July. We are prepared to fight for your rights in court.

    Fireworks Regulations in New York State

    In 2014, New York modified their fireworks laws for the first time since 1914. The use and sale of sparkling devices have since been allowed in New York. The law also states that the following devices are allowed:

    • Cone fountains
    • Wood sparklers
    • Dipped sticks
    • Party poppers
    • Snappers
    • Cylindrical fountains

    What is not allowed include the following:

    • Consumer fireworks
    • Firecrackers
    • Skyrockets
    • Roman candles
    • Metal wire sparklers
    • Chasers

    The following counties have prohibited the use and sale of Sparkling Devices according to The Office of Fire Prevention and Control: Albany, Bronx, Columbia. Kings, Nassau. New York, Orange (in the Cities of Middletown and Newburgh), Queens, Richmond, Schenectady, Suffolk, and Westchester. Also, individuals under the age of 18 years are not allowed to use sparkling devices.

    What should I know about selling or distributing sparking devices in New York State?

    Sparkling Devices sellers, manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers who are conducting business in New York State are required to apply for certification with the Office of Fire Prevention and Control as well as paying an annual fee.

    What are the penalties for violating fireworks regulations?

    When individuals are caught violating firework regulations in New York, they risk facing hundreds of dollars in fines.

    If you have been charged with a crime, you should first reach out to a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney who will fight for your rights in court.  Contact our firm today to discuss our services and how we can assist your upcoming legal process.

    Contact our Firm

    Criminal matters can change the course of your life forever. This is why you need an experienced attorney who will aggressively combat your charges to help mitigate their long-term effects. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for a criminal defense matter on Long Island or throughout New York State, please contact KCS Law to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to assist you.

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