Obtaining A Gun Permit in New York | What You Should Know



    Close-up of a black handgun muzzle on a light-colored, textured surface. The focus is on the gun's barrel and front sight, with intricate details visible in the metal finish, highlighting its role in personal defense for those with a gun permit.

    The state of New York allows its resident to own handguns. But the Empire State does not simply hand them out to just anyone. If you require assistance in legally obtaining a pistol, please read on, then contact one of our experienced Garden City, NY pistol permit attorneys to learn what you should know about obtaining a gun permit in New York.

    How do you get a gun permit in New York?

    More often than not, an applicant can obtain a gun permit if they and their truthful application attests to the applicant possessing the following qualifications:

    • 21 years of age, unless honorably discharged from military services
    • Good moral character
    • No convictions for a felony or serious offense
    • Has stated whether he or she has received treatment for mental illness
    • Has no past license revocations or clear reason for a denial of a license
    • Proper cause for the issuance
    • Is not a fugitive
    • Does not abuse any controlled substance
    • Resides lawfully in the United States, except in the case of a nonimmigrant visa, with some exceptions.
    • Was not dishonorably discharged from the military
    • Never denounced citizenship after being a U.S. citizen
    • Has never been committed to a mental institution involuntarily
    • Has not had a guardian appointed due to a lack of mental capacity

    How do you keep a gun permit in New York?

    To keep your gun permit, you must abide by the law, educate yourself, avoid confrontation, act with discretion and practice safe behavior. An arrest or a mere allegation of domestic violence can constitute a revocation of your pistol permit. You should always use your best judgment, but if you are at risk of having your permit revoked, you should reach out to one of our skilled Nassau County criminal defense attorneys to discuss your next steps.

    How can a Nassau County criminal defense attorney help you?

    A qualified legal professional can help with the application and vetting process, as well as provide much-needed guidance and support. Our firm will fully apprise you of your rights and responsibilities in this and other matters, so that you may have the best possible chance at success. We will help draft, collect and present the necessary evidence to support your case. Do not go it alone. Give us a call today.

    Contact Our Long Island Firm

    Criminal matters can change the course of your life forever. This is why you need an experienced attorney who will aggressively combat your charges to help mitigate their long-term effects. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for a criminal defense matter on Long Island or throughout New York State, please contact KCS Law to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to assist you.

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