Is Finding a Job as a Convicted Felon Hard?




    Finding gainful employment can be hard for anyone, but it can be twice as hard for those with a criminal record. Even if you are qualified for the position, a criminal record can significantly decrease your chances of receiving a job offer. If you are a convicted felon, it can raise concerns of a moral problem for potential employers. As such, it’s crucial to do everything you can to avoid a conviction. Speak with our experienced Nassau County Criminal Defense Attorneys for more information and quality legal representation.

    Why Can It Be Difficult For a Convicted Felon to Get a Job?

    Unfortunately, the ramifications of a conviction will stay with you, even after you have served your time. Being a convicted felon can negatively alter the way employers perceive you. Following your sentence, you likely want to move on with your life. However, a felony conviction can make moving on to the next chapter of your life difficult.

    A college degree is a valuable asset when seeking a career. It’s important to note that pursuing post-secondary education can be more challenging for convicted felons. When you apply to a university, you must disclose your criminal history. Depending on the severity of the crime committed, it could impact whether or not you are admitted to the school.

    In addition to your education, a felony conviction could prevent you from being hired in certain fields. Employers often inquire about felonies during the application process and perform background checks to ensure their candidates will be a suitable fit. While you don’t have to inform any company about criminal convictions under the law, if they decide to conduct a background check they will likely discover this infromation on their own and it could affect their decision. Those convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude such as sex or drug offenses may not be allowed to work with children. Therefore, a felony conviction can limit your career options.

    Furthermore, if you are already employed when you are convicted, you may lose your job. In New York, employers are within their rights to terminate you for various reasons. Generally, convicted felons will have to spend time behind bars. This means you will have to take time off of work to complete your sentence.

    Should I Consult an Attorney?

    If you believe your criminal records are hindering your chances of attaining your career goals, please don’t hesitate to contact a Nassau County criminal defense attorney, who can help you limit the impact of a felony conviction. Having a criminal record can affect your life in numerous ways. Connect with our dedicated legal team today to learn how we can fight for your future.


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