In New York, drivers with illegal substance-related driving infractions are often required to operate a vehicle with an IID. If you have been ordered to install an ignition interlock device for driving while intoxicated (DWI), reach out to an experienced Garden City DUI/DWI Attorney.
Will I Need to Use an Ignition Interlock Device For a DUI?
In New York, if you are convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), you will be required to install and maintain an Ignition interlock device (IID). New York statutes require IIDs to be installed on vehicles of persons convicted of DWIs within 10 days of sentencing. If an individual is sentenced to serve jail time after they are released, the 10-day time frame will begin. An IID is a breathalyzer that measures an individual’s breath alcohol content. An individual is required to exhale into the mouthpiece before operating a vehicle to ensure they are not driving while intoxicated.
Will my Ignition Interlock Device Have a Camera Installed?
Several states in the U.S require IIDs to have cameras installed to capture who is exhaling into the breathalyzer. New York is one of those states that require an IID to have a built-in camera to snap a shot of who is actually using the IID. Although the IID can capture a photo, it is unable to record video. It is merely an extra measure to capture evidence of who is operating the vehicle and exhaling into the IID. When the driver submits a sample of their breath, the camera takes a photo of the individual. This way, if someone is illegally blowing into the IID for a friend, the providers will be notified of this violation. New York requires an IID with a camera because it helps catch any violations and ensures the driver is not driving while intoxicated.
Will my Car Turn Off While Driving With an IID Installed?
When an individual enters a vehicle with an IID, they must submit a breath sample to start the engine. If their breath sample is over the BAC limit of 0.025% or higher, the vehicle will not turn on. The IID will randomly ask for breath samples to ensure continued sobriety while you are driving. If you fail to submit a random breath sample while driving, the IID will record the violation and warn the driver to stop to exhale into the IID. If the driver continues to ignore it, alarms will go off until the vehicle is turned off or a clean breath sample is submitted. If you violate any of the IID requirements set forth by the state of New York, you could face severe penalties. If you have questions or concerns about installing an IID don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated Nassau County Criminal Defense Attorneys who can help you through the process.
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If you need experienced legal counsel for a criminal matter on Long Island or anywhere in New York State, please contact KCS Law to schedule a consultation.